I came across this article written by Joao Nunes from Canil Alufam on his page on Facebook. I identified so much with it, that I thought it deserved international exposure and recognition, most importantly, for its clarity and reason. I hope it will resonate with like minded Fila breeders and enthusiasts!
I came across this article written by Joao Nunes from Canil Alufam on his page on Facebook. I identified so much with it, that I thought it deserved international exposure and recognition, most importantly, for its clarity and reason. I hope it will resonate with like minded Fila breeders and enthusiasts!
Once again, I wish to express a personal observation:
To me there has always been what I call the Classic CBKC Breeder, ie, individuals that breed, select, and compete in CBKC Shows with dogs having very different characteristics from the Fila Brasileiro bred according to the Paulo Santos Cruz (PSC) Standard for the Fila published in O Fila year I, Issue 8 – July of 1979. So far as there is no mistreatment of animals, that’s perfectly all right with me! They live their lives and I live mine in a friendly and civilized coexistence. But lately, happening in parallel to the increasing acceptance and dissemination of the PSC standard; mainly in Brazil and abroad, I have very frequently been starting to identify a group of breeders that I have come to call Breeders of Hybrids. They argue their position in a very unscientific manner. Here are some of the examples:
1) "It’s just a dispute between clubs".
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the lesson learned in the 70's still being repeated today.. |
2) "I just like a good Fila."
That might be acceptable if you just want to have a dog for your home. But a breeder who is guided by scientific criteria should know that it is not a matter of "personal liking", one must have a scientific explanation for their choice. For example: Two plus two will always be four, like it or not.
3) "the Fila is a mixed breed anyway"
Wrong. The Fila is a collection of individuals whose somatic characteristics are genetically determined and thus inherently transmitted between them. Therefore, the Fila Brasileiro cannot be mixed, either it is a purebred dog or it is a crossbred dog. When new genes are introduced, whether it be from one of the archetypal breeds that formed the current breed, this new dog will not be a Fila, but rather, a compound of Fila genes and genes of breed X. This is "Tio Chico’s" reasoning when he proposes the adoption new breed qualifications, that is, the breed created by Fila genes and the genes of breed X. (Tio Chico's proposal here)
4) "There are good Filas in both groups."
Wrong, there may be good dogs in both groups, however, the Fila Brasileiro is the one that brings in its genetic baggage, characteristics of the breed that will be passed on to their offspring. "The choice of a Breeding Technique and Adoption of Selective Criteria are crucial for the development of a Breeding Program" (O Fila - Year I, vol.3, 02/1979).
5) "There are also atypical dogs in CAFIB. I do not see anything being done for the breed by either CAFIB or CBKC "
Misusing the word "atypical" is very convenient for the breeder who wishes to remain without taking a formed position, and enjoying the benefits of participating in both groups because, in being so, the dog that is not accepted in one group can be accepted in another on the grounds that this divergence in acceptance would be only a "dispute among clubs." The word "atypical", when used in the sense of anatomical or physiological characteristics uncommon to breed, as in females who get c-sections or animals with little bone mass, always occur in any breeding program; the breeder only needs to reassess its breeding program pairings. However, the atypical in the context of signs of crossbreeding is what the CAFIB has been eliminating from the gene pool, for over thirty years, with the analysis and the progeny tests. Given these findings, I cannot agree with the statement: "The CAFIB does nothing for the breed, also."
6) "Many of CAFIB dog’s ancestors were not CAFIB and then what?"
That is why the analysis are done! (O Fila-year III, vol. 30, 1981 07/08/09).
7) "I think its too much radicalism coming from both groups"
The serious breeder (which does not necessarily mean the successful breeder) must have a scientific reasoning, ie, based on scientific evidence and findings of fact. Therefore, expressions such as "radical", "lack of democracy" and "prejudice toward the black color", do not fit in this discussion. Those issues are very important, but for discussions on human relations!
8) "I know what a Fila is because I breed for many years"
Indeed, managing a kennel and dealing with dogs on a daily basis is certainly an experience that will contribute a lot! However, when you identify the true and original Fila, according to the PSC standard (O Fila - year 1, #8 - 07/1979), you are just as inexperienced as me and many others because you spent years using another evaluation criteria in your breeding program.
I could cite several other interesting thoughts that have been said to me, however, notice that the ultimate goal is to always justify that Hybrid Breeder may take advantage of the criteria used by the CAFIB Fila breeders and of Classic CBKC dog breeders. This attitude destroys any scientific criterion of selection on both sides.
Incidentally, I send my regards to the Classic CBKC breeders that have taken a stand in favor of the differences and made their choice to continue on breeding their type of dog, and also, to my friends in CAFIB, selfless partners in favor of true Fila who teach and help me, so much.

Here is a preview of his practical selection of breeding males.