Caes e Compania | Dogs & Co.
#31 yr III - december 1981 - part I:
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Dogs & Co. Year 3, #31, December 1981 |
I was always curious to know how Americans first got to know and love Fila Brasileiros. For Donna Valentine it was from "seeing them in a Dog World Mag and liking the look".
(D.V.): I inquired about them from the breeders listed, which were Copeland Shavers and Sue Armstrong (Fazenda do Indomito kennel). I preferred Sue and went with her. They both had dogs from Clelia [Kruel], Flint do Camping for Copeland and Febo do Camping for Sue.
We got into Fila in 1988. We even had to get on a waiting list to get our first one!! She wasn't good at all.. She said laughing.
At our first dog show in Kansas, we met Pearl and Frank DeRidder from NY. They had Filas from Brazil and they invited us to a show back East. We went and as Frank sold airplane parts and he was dealing with Francisco Peltier, in Brazil.
That was also when Donna learned about the CAFIB.
(D.V.): Frank invited CAFIB to come to the states for the show and we attended and that is how it all started. I truly believed in the CAFIB theory and still do.
Although from Donna's pragmatic point of view, people get in the way of that.
(D.V.): Hard to say what came to mind when we first saw the difference in the "fila" types. Brenda had Dictator and you know what he looked like. She was at that first CAFIB show. Also, and they told her he was a mixed-bred and advised not to breed him. She, of course, declined on that!! He didn't even attack on the TT. It was a sad thing to watch.
Clelia [Kruel] was not supportive and she was very unfriendly. She was less than pleased.
Clelia' s "interesting comments" about the event are found in the Valentine's Archives in their correspondence. We may publish something on this blog about them soon.
(D.V.): When my friend, Beth Cepil, and Micki Smith and I first came to Brasil in 1995, I absolutely loved it. I love rustic and primitive. I just didn't know how difficult it was to live with primitive. We visited SP, so that was much different from where we are now.
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on the Cover Ch. Gr. Ch. Ch. Bugre do Kirimaua |
An end of the year issue that features an article about the Fila. Curiously, the other feature article is "We will show you how to make a profit by breeding!
The magazines are in near perfect condition and as an added Bonus they came with hand written commentary about the dogs by someone in CAFIB. I am waiting for a confirmation on who this person is, because neither Donna or Sue can recall. Hopefully, someone acquainted can recognize the handwriting and update us on it! Nonetheless, the notes are guidelines about type, conformation and are a commentary on the breeders as well. Also, unfortunately, some of the pictures were cut out. Most likely to illustrate important context written in the notes. The photos seen here are mostly posted in the order on the written notes as well as a few other pages having other fila interest.
(D.V.): The magazines were sent to Sue Armstrong by a man who was one of the first to get on the CAFIB bandwagon, but I have forgotten his name. Those magazines are from the 80's.
hand-written note - front |
Caes e Compania no.31
1)- Cover dog Shows a "stop" too strong, small ears, but not bad at all!
2)- PAGE 23 A typical bastard. He is nothing! A mix of mastiff and others. Even the skin is different
3)- PAGE 24/25 try to cut the ears of the black one. You'll see a "Mastino Napolitano" Can't you see the difference on the muzzles
4)- PAGE 26/27 Camuri do Embirema Fila x Mastiff x Mastino, unfortunately
5)- PAGE 27 Ch Kalu dos Pampas Fila x Dog Alemao (Great Dane) x mastiff
6)- PAGE 28 Cacique and Orixa. I like them both. Orixa is the father of your Guaira.
7)- PAGE 30 All colors on puppies - a good male dog (Boiadeiro) and a Monster (Atus)
7)- PAGE 30 All colors on puppies - a good male dog (Boiadeiro) and a Monster (Atus)
hand-written note - back |
8)- PAGE 32 Again Camburi and the King of Bastards: Thor
On page 35
THE only pure filas are [marked] with 3 x['s]
Can you see howw the head type of Quizumba do Samor and the bitch from Embirema are the same ?
that is mixs [that is a mixed]
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credits & presentation | page 6 |
In the credits as consultants for the magazine and for the Fila specifically are Eugenio H.P. de Lucena president of the CBKC and Vania Brien from the Clube Paulista do Fila Brasileiro. Very likely they will editorialize to favor their club's interests. So it is no surprise that their associates kennels and dogs will be featured as well as advertised in the magazine.
page 19 - Regulating Breeding |
On page 19, there is a section edited by the Clube Paulista do Fila Brasileiro about a proposal to implement Breeding Regulations for the Fila Brasileiro. It suggests regulating a minimum age for males at 18 months and 16 months for females; an evaluation by a technical committee which would issue a temporary Certificate of Approval (CAR) for reproduction, and which would be permanent after an approval of 2 liters by this same committee. [Sound familiar?]. It also would make reproduction announcements and liter verifications by a technical committee mandatory, as well as a mandatory tattoo I.D.. This was intended to be proposed to become official in 1982. I have no information as to whether this was implemented at all in CBKC breeding guidelines or rules.
page 22 & 23 (bottom right is cut out) |
The premise of this article is a grand paradox, taken into consideration that the Commission of the Improvement of the Fila Brasileiro (CAFIB) started out in 1976 by elaborating a system of analysis of phenotype and temperament (page 19 has a watered-down version of CAFIB'S program as a "proposal for 1982"). The outcome of such an effective system is clearly shown in CAFIB's breeding stock today. While the CBKC, even after having modified the breed standard 3 times over the years and completely eliminated the temperament tests, is still plagued with a variety of at least 5 different types.
year III, issue#31, Oct./Nov./Dec., 1981 |
Starkly juxtaposed to the CBKC..
The CAFIB released its Bulletin having on the cover Pedrinho do Engenho, Paulo Santos Cruz and Jose Gomes - A historical encounter in Varginha. It is quite obvious, having these 2 publications in hand, how the directions are diametrically opposed.
typical list of Approved dogs showing their numbers and names |
Issue #31, of Oct./Nov./Dec., of 1981 the end of year results of the Specialized Show are listed, as well as an editorial about the Grand book of the Fila Brasileiro.
A month prior to the CBKC leaning publication's year end feature about the Fila Brasileiro, the Cafib publishes their bulletin having the article What the analysis of phenotype are for. With an Course on the Structure of the Fila Brasileiro.
As of Dec. 24th, 2012, all the O Fila [The Fila] bulletins became available on the Cafib BR site ( for a fee. Issues #1 and #7 are available for free.
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