Breaking News: In a heated discussion on a Brazilian Orkut Fila Brasileiro group on the topic about the controversial cross-breeding involving the Fila Brasileiro breed, Fila Brasileiro & Mangalarga horse Breeder, high-school educated, self entitled,"empresario"- admitted:
QUOTE: Eu acredito que devidos a vários fatos, deve ter ocorrido mestiçagens na década de 70... [I believe that because of several facts there must have occured mixed-breeding in the 70's]
Harrison Pinho - ex canil Arere/curently rebranded Canil & Haras Singular, April 3, 2011
This quote had been copy and pasted many times by group members who recognised this admission as a victory. A few hours later he removed this statement..Oh well..
Have a good trip Harrison and all that are "taking the train" to Minas again..
Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, up and coming breeder, Canil Fila Roots, Brasilia
Mr. Pinho aligns himself with a growing number of followers of the CBKC that are "going back to Fila roots" and procuring Filas in the kennels of Minas Gerais - the birthplace of the Fila Brasileiro. Those kennels are consistent participants and prize winners of the, once seen as dissident club's [CAFIB] shows and trials, known to the fancy as "expos". He has also stated publicly that he has acquired new dogs from these kennels to aggregate to his current breeding stock. A move he kicked off by re-branding his kennel as "Singular". Many Fila enthusiasts and supporters of the Cafib dog club view his come-back as opportunistic and having a hidden commercial agenda, others embrace the newcomer to the world of the true-bred Fila. Mr. Pinho revisits breeding dogs, just as the Cafib is at an all time popularity high due to its system's enormous success rates in breeding results.
Mr. Pinho follows in the footsteps of other breeders, such as Mr. Roberto Sena Sene (canil Sena Sene), veteran in the practice and Mr. Wankis Medeiros (Canil Fortal do Fila)who have both implemented the philosophy of improvement of their breeding stock with the genetic traits and qualities of these the product of these once frowned upon kennels. However, also keeping a foot in the CBKC-safe zone, for guaranteed sales.
What they have not done [yet] is taken the full plunge such as the courageous breeder of the Canil Borghetto has. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Goncalves, veterinarian, heir and current administrator of the New Age Borghetto kennel (a very well known name in the USA), has started over by scratching the old and "questionable" breeding stock altogether, replacing it with a brand new crop of very promising dogs from well-known archetypal Brazilian Fila bloodlines, as well as a very progressive mindset and hope in a future, which includes taking practical steps such as: participating in Cafib Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament trails, DNA testing and inclusion in the Fila Brasileiro National Database, as well as proper health screenings.
It has been a [very] slow but steady pace for positive change for the breed, nonetheless, it has been consistent and strong, supported by the foundation of the philosophy of Paulo Santos Cruz and the Cafib system, format and mentality of improvement and betterment of the dog breed. However, it hasn't been a process without consistent aggressive and unfair resistance.
Needless to say, it is a process already in motion, with much more to be revealed in all fronts. This change in attitude, adopted by Dr. Carlos Eduardo Goncalves, will very likely become the new paradigm of successful and wholesome Fila Brasileiro breeding.