We do not believe that all our fila brasileiros are excellent or that they are the best, not in any way, we are cognizant that we have dogs of excellent quality, of average quality and also occasionally a few of poor quality, which we seek to remove from procreation. Excerpt from "The Contradictions and Inversion of Values in the fila brasileiro Breed", by CBKC judge Virgilio Orsi How do you justify the 2010 (CBKC) Brazilian National Best in Breed Champion, Mr. Orsi? By the way, the bitch is currently expecting a litter.
It is believed and commented in certain circles that if those who have dogs with mix-bred traits start a program of continuous matings with very typical Filas, indicated by the CAFIB, that the number or pure-bred (or almost pure-bred) dogs would augment in very little time.
Such a notion was countered by Dr. Anibal Felipe da Silva, an animal reproduction expert, with extensive understanding of canine DNA and who heads a pioneer study on the genealogy and DNA of the Fila Brasileiro: "ONLY IF IT WERE supervised by the geneticists from our Army, the Police Force and Federal Universities (preferably the very traditional ones which have blind replicas of material) and based on DNA tests ALONG AT LEAST 32 YEARS (ie, eight generations with a Generational interval of 4 years).
As this is economically unfeasible and even ridiculous to propose, considering the thousands of other priorities that Brazil has to tackle, I say that I find nothing healthy in this proposal, since it will lead to more confusion to many unsuspecting breeders as well as to the less careful experienced ones who insist on not using frequent DNA tests in their breeding programs, if only to prove its genealogy ...
[Breeding] Going only by pedigree is very, very, very, little information."
It is a startling awareness when one considers the amount of years of unregulated mixed-breeding practices. Initially done with the original pure-bred dogs from known breeds, such as the English Mastiff, the Great Dane (more specifically the black great Dane) and the Neapolitan Mastiff. Since March of 2011, breeders in high positions in dog clubs associated to the Brazilian CBKC [which in turn is associated to the FCI - an International Dog Club that issues international pedigrees and holds shows], have been voicing public statements recognizing that this mix-breeding did in fact occur. What they do not take into account, or maybe intentionally detract attention from, are the countless numbers of dogs bred from the initial hybrids and 40 years of subsequent generations of crossings of their mixed-breed off-spring. Done openly with no supervision or orientation from geneticists as well as records of such practices in the official dog Club's books.

The CBKC recently has been the target of many breeder's public complaints, ranging from cancellation of National show events to high fees and lack of services. They have also been removed from their position as the government appointed "registrar book keeper" of ALL canine breeds [once held exclusively by the CAFIB for the Fila Brasileiro breed], by the governmental agency known as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Provisions. Apparently, they have also done a very bad job keeping the government interested in dogs as a viable form of revenue, and worse, they have totally neglected Native Brazilian breeds (among them one of the highest grossing in revenues from registries); some of which have become extinct for lack of support and organization. Adding to that, the inability to produce homogeneous dogs having the behavior characteristics described in the breed's standard, a strikingly noticeable difference between types of dogs can be seen in their specialty shows, led these breeders to purchase dogs from CAFIB members and kennels, in the hopes of producing the next new and improved Fila Brasileiro knock-off.
So, step right up and welcome to the Smoke & Mirrors show of the new found brand of the CBKC.. A show that is put together by the folks that still support the breeding ethics of the likes of Procopio do Valle and his disciple Clelia Kruel in the United States and in which the new brand of "breeder magic" make the illegal and uncontrolled mixed-breeding done by their mentors & years of hostility against the CAFIB, appear or disappear by extending or retracting mirrors amid a confusing burst of smoke up our asses..
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