On Behalf of Chico Peltier:
My Friends,
I just added a new Project to my site (www.filabrasileirochicopeltier.com.br). To access this you may simply visit my website, go to the main menu, click on "Information in English" and select the link "30-6 – 8/03/09 - What do you Prefer?". However, if you already know this site, which has around 700 pages and images, more then 320 photos and recently reached more then 16.000 page views, just go straight to the following link: http://www.filabrasileirochicopeltier.com.br/fila-brasileiro/index.html. It is a super elucidated Project totaling 25 pages and 132 comparative photos.
It is important to point out that the full title of this project is really "Fila Stress Test - What do you prefer?". A tribute to Mr. Barak Obama, the newly elected American President, to whom the world entrusts confidence and hope. After the recent world economic crisis occurred last year, President Obama introduced a "Bank Stress Test" into the economy of that country in order to assess the financial health of 19 major American banks.
Thus, nothing could be fairer than to be reminded and inspired by the Obama Administration, who we love and admire, to try to assess the 'health' of some Fila pedigrees or of dogs that possess Fila pedigrees. Especially those pedigrees endorsed and supported by the multinational corporation entitled Cynologique Fédération Internationale (FCI)...
I also wish to inform you that my basic goal with this Project was not simply show, but to INTRODUCE the true Fila Brasileiro to those who really do not know it, although they think just the opposite... This introduction was developed mainly for foreigners who have had their vision, their knowledge and their education conducted by breeders, writers and dog saleswomen/puppy merchants who were disciples of the first cross-breeders, the followers of the breeding philosophy of João Batista do Valle e Monte Cruel.
I would also say that this Project was mainly directed and dedicated to the American public that love the Fila Brasileiro. Being a serious-minded people which act in Good Faith, they assume that in principle, people are correct and trust in them. However, I believe that many times because of their innocence, these Americans were often deceived by mere merchants of mixed-breds.
However, I could not let this opportunity pass without making some brief but profound and serious comments about the book "The Big Book of the Fila Brasileiro" written by Mr. Procópio Valle. Also, because parts of this book are reproduced by many websites, as if it were a bible to be followed, deceiving even more people who are truly interested in the real Fila Brasileiro.
I devoted a large part of this Project to the black (coat) color dog (filamarques), because they are in many breed specific web sites. Obviously, in fact, for being the greatest evidence of mixed-breeding there is. As was always claimed and warned about by Dr. Jose Souto Maior Borges, Phd, lawyer, professor and founder of CAFIB-Recife. Also, I took this opportunity to expose the true origin of the black dog called "Zulu", property of the traditional breeder of Filas from Minas Gerais called Mr. Frederick William Chalmers. Until now it had been unknown, but was disclosed as of late by Ms. Ines Van Damme, ie.: the greatest "poster-dog" for the black coat color in the Brazilian breed is really a mutt, as written by its owner Mr. Chalmers himself...
I am sure you all will appreciate my latest Project very much. It was done with the care and love that I've always dedicated to the true Fila Brasileiro. It's Grand Finale finds itself, as is should be, where everything started. That's right, with Paulo Santos Cruz, the Father of the Fila.
Finally, I shall remind you that, Aug, 3rd. 2009, exactly 31 years ago today, marks the date in which I released my "Open Letter from London". In my opinion, the most important article I have ever written. If you have not read it yet, do not hesitate to do so. Simply go to http://www.filabrasileirochicopeltier.com.br/17-INGLES/17-1.jpg.
and its subsequent pages (2), (3), (4), (5)
Until next time, my friends.
Chico Peltier - Aug, 3rd /2009

This work by http://www.filabrasileirochicopeltier.com.br/index.html is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Brazil License & Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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